Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said the state has been divided into two zones - red and green - as the coronavirus lockdown has been extended till May 31. The red zone includes Indore and Ujjain districts, municipal area of Bhopal, Burhanpur, Jabalpur, Khnadwa and Dewas as well as municipality areas of Mandsuar, Neemuch, Dhar and Kukshi.
All the remaining districts in the state have been placed under green zone. Markets at these places will be closed for a week and a decision will be taken after the review, he said.
Special restrictions
Special restrictions will continue in all the containment areas during Lockdown4 and only important activities will be allowed. Movement of people inside and outside this zone will be restricted, and only medical emergency and essential goods and services will be allowed.
Industries will not operate in containment areas, but can be opened at all places outside.
Prohibited activities in all zones
Schools, colleges, training institutes, hotels, restaurants, hospitality services, cinema halls, shopping malls, gyms, swimming pools, amusement parks, theatres, bars and auditoriums will be closed in all the zones.
All types of community programmes will not be allowed in these zones. Movement of people from 7 pm to 7 am will be restricted except for most important activities. Public transport buses will be banned for a week and after that a decision will be taken.
Activities allowed in red zone
Locality shops, standalone shops, shops at residential areas and shops selling essentials in markets can remain open. Online education will continue.
Medical, police accommodation, quarantine centres, hotels used for catering to stranded people, bus depot, railway station, airport canteens, kitchens for home delivery restaurants, sports complex, stadiums (without spectators), all types of freight transport, cargo movement and movement of empty goods vehicles will continue.
At the same time, movement of all health and sanitation workers, buses for transporting workers to industries and government and private offices with 50 per cent capacity will be allowed.
Activities allowed in green zone
All types of activities are allowed except for restricted activities already mentioned for all areas. Shops and markets will remain open. Government offices will function in their full capacity and movement will be allowed with personal vehicles. In case of increase in positive cases in green zone, it can be converted into a red zone.
The Chief Minister said that in order to protect from infection, people over 85, those with multiple disorder, pregnant women and children below 10 will not be allowed to go outside.
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