Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Sunday said that from today, the Delhi-Thiruvananthapuram Rajdhani Express will not take a halt in the state, where 18 people have tested COVID-19 positive in the last few days.
Some of the patients include those who had arrived in Goa by this train, he said.
"There are 18 COVID-19 positive cases in the state right now. These cases were detected at the entry point of the state, before these patients could mingle with other people," he said.
"Since there are rising instances of passengers testing COVID-19 positive after their arrival in Goa by Delhi Rajdhani train, it has been decided that this train will not take a halt at Madgao railway station from Monday," he said.
The Rajdhani Express train that arrived on Saturday had carried more than 280 passengers, while the one which came on Sunday brought in 368 passengers, he said.
Mr Sawant, however, said that the Nizamuddin Express running between Thiruvananthapuram and Delhi will continue to take a stop at Madgao railway station.
"We have noticed that none of the passengers, who have arrived by Nizamuddin Express, have tested positive so far. Also, very few people get off this train at Madgao railway station," he said.
The Chief Minister also said that a mechanism is being put in place, wherein all the truck drivers arriving in the state from red zones would be tested for COVID-19 before they are allowed to enter.
No community transmission due to the COVID-19 patients has been found in the state so far, he said.
He ruled out the possibility of postponing the SSC (Class X) and HSC (Class XII) exams, conducted by the state board, which are starting from May 21.
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