India recorded 5,072 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, taking the total tally of COVID-19 cases to 4.44 crore while the active cases further declined to 47, 945 according to the Union Health Ministry data updated today.
The country also reported seven Covid-related deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of casualties to 5.28 lakh.
A decline of 905 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours.
Here are the highlights on Covid-19:
India logged 5,076 new coronavirus infections taking the total tally of COVID-19 cases to 4,44,95,359, while the active cases dipped to 47,945,according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Sunday.
Achieving New Milestones Through Jan Bhagidari!
- Dr Mansukh Mandaviya (@mansukhmandviya) September 11, 2022
India administers more than 215 crore vaccine doses!
The world's largest vaccination drive reaching new heights every day under PM @NarendraModi Ji's leadership.
- Ministry of Health (@MoHFW_INDIA) September 11, 2022