This Article is From Apr 16, 2020

Want To Leave City During Coronavirus Lockdown? Apply Here, Says Mumbai Police

Mumbai is one of 11 coronavirus "Red Zones" in Maharashtra; this refers to a district or city contributing over 80 per cent of COVID-19 cases in the country or state

Want To Leave City During Coronavirus Lockdown? Apply Here, Says Mumbai Police

Coronavirus Lockdown: Prime Minister Modi has extended the lockdown to May 3


Mumbai Police will consider applications from people wishing to leave the city, which is currently under lockdown to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus, the police said this afternoon. Requests to leave the city - which has nearly 2,000 COVID-19 cases - "owing to unavoidable reasons", must be made either online or via telephone, the tweet added.

Posted at 1.01 pm, the tweet drew an immediate response, with some people requesting travel permission to check on family in other parts of the state and others pointing out that the Mumbai Police website - where these applications had to be filed - was not working.

"With lockdown extended till May 3, applicants who wish to leave Mumbai owing to unavoidable reasons can apply at Or call us on 7738518130," the tweet said.

The decision to allow people to leave comes two days after thousands of migrant workers, left jobless and homeless by the lockdown, defied orders to gather in the city's Bandra locality and protest against its extension.

Most demanded they be allowed to go home. When the crowd ignored several warnings to disperse, batons were used, the police said.

The scenes were reminiscent of the huge crowd of migrants that gathered outside interstate bus terminals in Delhi last month, after the lockdown was first announced.

Migrant workers across the country have been left in pitiable condition by the lockdown; the shuttering of economic activity, industries and interstate transport has left them stranded far from home without money, forcing them to undertake punishing treks of hundreds of kilometres on foot.

Apart from the migrant community, middle-class individuals have also been affected, with thousands living and working far from family and loved ones unable to travel.

The centre has urged against non-essential travel at this time; all rail, road and flight services have been stopped till May 3 at least. Last month Prime Minister Modi, while announcing the "Janata (public) Curfew", asked people to "stay in whichever city you are".

Mumbai is one of 11 coronavirus "Red Zones" in Maharashtra; this refers to a district or city contributing over 80 per cent of COVID-19 cases in the country or state. Places that show a high rate of infection - i.e., a doubling rate of less than four days - will also be a "Red Zone".

"Red Zone" areas will be sealed to prevent further spread of the infectious novel coronavirus. This means all non-essential travel in and out of these areas will be stopped and only essential goods, such as groceries, vegetables, medicines and medical equipment, will be allowed to enter.

The government is also expected to step up door-to-door screening and testing of people for COVID-19 symptoms and infection in these areas.

The nationwide lockdown imposed last month was extended by two weeks on Tuesday. Petitioned by state governments, the Prime Minister also said economic activity would be gradually re-opened, a decision expected to bring some relief for the poorer sections of the society, including migrant labourers and daily wagers.

Across the country over 12,000 coronavirus cases have been reported, including 414 deaths. Maharashtra is the worst-hit state with 2,916 cases and 187 deaths so far.


Coronavirus has spread to 200 countries. The total confirmed cases worldwide are 67,69,38,430 and 68,84,572 have died; 62,55,71,965 are active cases and 4,44,81,893 have recovered as on January 9, 2024 at 10:54 am.


4,50,19,214 475Cases
3,919 -83Active
4,44,81,893 552Recovered
5,33,402 6Deaths
In India, there are 4,50,19,214 confirmed cases including 5,33,402 deaths. The number of active cases is 3,919 and 4,44,81,893 have recovered as on January 9, 2024 at 8:00 am.

State & District Details

State Cases Active Recovered Deaths