Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Friday requested ministers and MLAs in the state to contribute 30 per cent of their salaries to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban Development Minister Bhupendra Singh confirmed that all legislators will respond to the call.
"If all of you agree, then we will contribute 30 per cent of our salary towards the CM Relief Fund, to fight COVID-19, until the pandemic doesn't come under control - be it July, August, September or October," Mr Chouhan said in a conversation with state's ministers via video conferencing.
"I appeal to all MLAs to contribute 30 per cent of their salaries for three months towards CM Relief Fund, in the fight against COVID-19. I also appeal to the people to contribute to the fund," he added.
He also said that the COVID-19 testing campaign will continue in the first fortnight of August.
"We had a COVID campaign from July 1-31 wherein tests were done extensively. Phase 2 of the campaign will be from August 1-14 wherein we''ll resolve to maintain social distancing and wear masks to break the chain of infection," he said.
"During this period Chief Minister, Ministers, MLAs and other public representatives won't have any public rallies. Foundation stone laying ceremonies, 'Bhoomi Pujan', inaugurations and all functions where a large crowd gathers, will be prohibited. These can be done via video conferencing," he added.
The Chief Minister, who himself tested positive for the coronavirus last week, continues to be in good health, a hospital bulletin said.
Madhya Pradesh on Thursday had recorded 834 new coronavirus cases, including 233 in Bhopal, taking the state's tally to 30,968, health officials said. With 13 more fatalities, the number of deaths from the disease rose to 857 in the state, they added.
(With inputs from agencies)
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