Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope on Friday said there are no clear guidelines from the Centre on the treatment of patients detected with the Omicron and Delta variants, especially on the usage of Molnupiravir, an oral, direct-acting antiviral.
He said the lack of guidelines from the Union government on clinical management protocol for treatment and testing of Omicron and Delta variants was causing confusion.
"There is confusion regarding the treatment and testing of Omicron and Delta variants. When anti-drug and Molnupiravir are used there are no clear guidelines from the Union Health Ministry,” he said.
Mr Tope also said home testing kits to detect the infection were creating problems as data in a lot of cases was not being uploaded on the requisite sites.
"In Mumbai itself, around 5 lakh such self-test kits were sold but a lot of cases detected through them have gone unreported. Such cases should be monitored by the health department but this did not happen," he said.
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