Eight weeks into the lockdown, India has crossed the one-lakh mark in the number of coronavirus cases as 4,970 new patients were registered in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 1,01,139. Of 3,163 deaths linked to COVID-19 reported so far, 134 were reported in the last 24 hours. More than 39,000 patients have recovered, according to the data shared by Union Health Ministry. The nationwide shutdown, announced by the government in March to tackle the pandemic that originated in China's Wuhan city, has been eased in the fourth phase. Public transport - including buses and autos - will be allowed to run in several major cities, including Delhi, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. The ease in restrictions come as the government turns focus on reviving the economy hit by the pandemic.
Here are top 10 developments on coronavirus cases in India:
One lakh people were tested for COVID-19 in the last 24 hours for the first time, Union Health Ministry has said, adding that more than 24 lakh coronavirus tests have been conducted so far. India has 7.1 coronavirus cases per one lakh people so far as against 60 globally, the government said on Monday.
India has taken all necessary steps well in time to fight the pandemic, Union Health minister Harsh Vardhan said on Monday. "Global collaboration is paramount. Governments, industry and philanthropy must pool resources to pay for the risk, the research, manufacturing and distribution, but with the condition that the rewards should be available to everyone, regardless of where they have been developed," he said in his address to the 73rd World Health Assembly via video conferencing.
All migrants need to undergo tests within seven days after reaching home, the government said on Monday, announcing the revised testing strategy for coronavirus. The revised guidelines, announced by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) - the nodal body in the fight against the contagion, also calls for immediate medical attention to people who are awaiting test results. Lakhs of migrants were stranded when a shutdown was announced in March. Many of them are still struggling to reach to their home towns.
Maharashtra reported 2,033 new coronavirus cases on Monday, taking the total over the 35,000-mark. The state is the worst-hit by the pandemic.
Maharashtra won't ease restrictions, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said on Monday. "What if we lift the lockdown and this corionavirus spreads everywhere? I won't let that happen in Maharashtra. Because of the lockdown, we have managed to control the rise in cases. Even though we have not broken the chain, we are trying," he said.
India recorded the biggest single-day jump of 5,242 new coronavirus cases on Monday morning, with the cases hitting 96,169 before it crossed the one-lakh mark.
Delhi crossed the 10,000-mark in the number of coronavirus cases on Monday with over 200 new patients.
As the country fights coronavirus, two states - Bengal and Odisha- have been alerted about Cyclone Amphan, which may hit Bengal tomorrow. PM Modi held a review meeting on Monday.
The global economy will take much longer to recover fully from the shock caused by the new coronavirus than initially expected, the head of the International Monetary Fund said, stressing on the danger of protectionism. "We do need to keep trade flows open, especially for medical supplies, food, and longer-term to find a pathway to overcome what is happening now with this crisis," she told news agency Reuters.
Worldwide, the COVID-19 count is inching closer to the five million-mark. Over 48 lakh have been affected, more than 3 lakh have died.