Uttar Pradesh reported 7,907 fresh COVID-19 infections on Friday, taking active cases tally to 65,263, and 14 more deaths took the total number of fatalities to 23,139, an official statement said.
The count of total cases stands at 19,96,972.
Among all the districts, Lucknow recorded a maximum of number of 1,304 fresh cases, followed by 376 cases in Gautam Buddh Nagar, 316 in Ghaziabad, 229 in Kanpur Nagar, 183 in Meerut and 197 in Varanasi, it said.
Two deaths each were reported from Lucknow, Gautam Buddh Nagar and Hardoi.
As many as 14,993 COVID-19 patients have recuperated from the viral infection, taking the total number of recoveries to 19,08,570 the statement said.
In the past 24 hours, more than 1.80 lakh Covid tests were done in the state and till date 9.88 crore samples have been tested, the statement said.