West Bengal on Wednesday registered 11,447 new COVID-19 cases, 1,017 more than the previous day's figure, pushing the tally to 19,28,261, the health department said in a bulletin.
Thirty-eight fresh fatalities due to COVID-19, including 14 from Kolkata, took the total number of deaths to 20,193.
North 24 Parganas district reported seven deaths, followed by five in Hooghly, and three each in Howrah and Hooghly districts, the bulletin said.
The state capital accounted for 2,154 new cases, 51 less than Tuesday, while North 24 Parganas district registered 1,798 infections.
As many as 15,418 people were cured of the disease during the day and the discharge rate improved marginally to 91.09 per cent from 90.83 per cent on Tuesday, the bulletin said.
Altogether 17,57,066 people have recovered from the disease in the state since the outbreak of the pandemic.
The state has 1,51,702 active coronavirus cases, 4,009 fewer than the day before.
In the last 24 hours, as many as 67,404 samples were tested for COVID-19 in the state taking the total number of such clinical examinations to 2,24,83,841.
Altogether 5,76,844 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were administered in West Bengal during the day, a senior health department official said.
As of Wednesday, the state has 738 containment zones with a maximum of 144 in North 24 Parganas district, 133 in Dakshin Dinajpur district, and 33 in the city.
According to the official, there are 383 micro containment zones in the state.