Covid vaccination drive will be launched in India by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday. A day ahead of what is being described as the 'world's biggest' Covid vaccination drive, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan reviewed the last minute preparations at the Covid control room. The Indian Medical Association (IMA), the top medical body of the country, in a letter to the health ministry, assured its full support in all areas. "IMA has delivered its expertise through its members all across the country during last 10 months. We also extended our professional expertise to the administration during the active phase of pandemic...." the letter said.
#IndiaFightsCorona#Unite2FightCorona #CovidVaccine
— Ministry of Health (@MoHFW_INDIA) January 15, 2021
Here are 5 key points from Indian Medical Association's letter
- "IMA has appealed to all its members across the country to go ahead for Covid vaccination"
- "IMA believes in leading by example. We will stand as the role model for people of this country"
- "IMA will lead this drive across the country in unison with the government"
- "IMA will stand as the greatest asset for government during this mission"
- "We at Indian Medical association feel extremely proud of our scientists for coming out with the much-awaited Covid vaccine"
The Health Ministry has been encouraging and assuring people not to miss the vaccination when their turn comes.
— Ministry of Health (@MoHFW_INDIA) January 15, 2021
One of the ways to beat COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. It is safe and effective, with no serious known side effects. Please get yourself vaccinated when it's your turn. #DoGajKiDooriMaskHaiZaruri #Unite2FightCorona
Ahead of the launch of Covid vaccination, the Centre has circulated a factsheet with information on the two vaccines - Covishield and Covaxin - that will be used. Around 30 crore people will be vaccinated in the next few months during the nationwide vaccination drive. The Serum Institute's Covishield and Bharat Biotech's Covaxin were cleared for emergency use by the country's drug regulator earlier this month. The two-dose covid vaccine will be administered with a 28-day gap.
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