The deadly second wave of the novel coronavirus saw India's daily case count go beyond the 4-lakh mark at its peak. Since then, the country's vaccination drive has gained momentum, with Covid warriors across the country committing to inoculate people against the virus that has caused 3.96 lakh deaths and infected over three crore people since its outbreak in early 2020.
Praising the healthcare staff, including doctors, nurses, and others, and their “passion to serve”, Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu, on Monday, shared a video of Covid warriors travelling to remote areas near the Tibet border.
The 49-second video shows the medical staff trekking, alongside mules carrying their bags. "Travelling 180 km on foot, mule, and vehicle. To remote location Togye near Tibet (China) border," read the text at the bottom of the frame.
In the next shot, the team members, in PPE kits, are seen administering the vaccine to a person. The healthcare staff is seen speaking to locals.
In his tweet, Mr Kandu tagged PMO India and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and wrote, “Our #CovidWarriors are reaching remote areas near Tibet (China) border to achieve 100% vaccination coverage of Brokpa (Yak herders) population living in Topgye at an avg 13000 feet elevation.”
The passion to serve..
— Pema Khandu པདྨ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་། (@PemaKhanduBJP) June 28, 2021
Our #CovidWarriors are reaching remote areas near Tibet (China) border to achieve 100% vaccination coverage of Brokpa (Yak herders) population living in Topgye at an avg 13000 feet elevation.#LargestVaccinationDrive@PMOIndia@MoHFW_INDIA @COVIDNewsByMIB
The video concluded with the text: “COVID warriors on mission are determined for 100% coverage."
At the time of publishing, the post was already viewed by over 1,500 people. Many on Twitter reacted to the video and were all praises for the Covid warriors.
Chau Zingnu Namchoom, an MLA from Arunachal's Namsai district and the State General Secretary of BJP, commented on the tweet with an emoji of folded hands, expressing gratitude.
— Chau Zingnu Namchoom (@ZingnuChau) June 28, 2021
According to NDTV's vaccination tracker, Arunachal Pradesh's vaccination rate was eight per cent above the daily target of 7,800 as of June 21.
India has set a new record as it surpassed the United States in terms of the total number of doses administered so far. While India has administered 32.36 crore doses, the US has administered 32.33 crore doses.
In the last 24 hours, India registered 46,148 fresh cases of coronavirus with 979 deaths, taking the total number of cases to 3,02,79,331.
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