The BJP on Wednesday slammed Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his remarks targeting Bollywood actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Accusing Mr Gandhi of stooping to a "new low" by demeaning Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, the BJP claimed the 53-year-old has a "dangerous and creepy obsession with successful and self-made women".
The controversy originated from Mr Gandhi's recent remarks during the 'Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra' in Uttar Pradesh. Mr Gandhi took a swipe at the BJP, specifically criticising the 'Pran Pratishtha' event held at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya last month. The Congress leader claimed the grand consecration ceremony, attended by a host of Bollywood celebrities and billionaires, was not attended by anyone from the OBC, Dalit or tribal communities, who comprise 73 per cent of the country's population.
While the inauguration ceremony was attended by Amitabh Bachchan and his son Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan did not accompany them to Ayodhya nor was she present at the event.
"Frustrated by constant rejections by Indians, Rahul Gandhi has sunk to a new low of demeaning India's pride Aishwarya Rai," the BJP's Karataka state unit said in a statement. "A fourth-generation dynast, with zero achievements, now resorts to slurs against Aishwarya Rai, who has brought more glory to India than Rahul Gandhi's entire family."
The BJP shared clips of various instances of Mr Gandhi mentioning the actor in his speeches. It also directed criticism towards Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, asking him why he remained silent when Mr Gandhi insulted a "fellow Kannadiga."
"As your boss continues to insult a fellow Kannadiga, will you uphold your professed Kannada pride and speak out against such disrespect, or will you remain silent to safeguard your CM chair?" the BJP asked Mr Siddaramaiah.
Mr Gandhi's remarks were also condemned by singer Sona Mohapatra who termed them "demeaning" and criticised the practice of politicians exploiting women for political gain.
"What's with politicians demeaning women in their speeches to get some brownie points in a sexist landscape? Dear Rahul Gandhi, sure someone has demeaned your own mother (Sonia Gandhi), sister (Priyanka Gandhi) similarly in the past, and irrespective you ought to know better? Also, Aishwarya Rai dances beautifully," the singer posted on X.
The opening ceremony of the Ram Temple was presided over by PM Modi and attended by many celebrities.