This Article is From Nov 24, 2011

Crores of rupees being spent to malign my team, blogs Anna

 Crores of rupees being spent to malign my team, blogs Anna
Delhi: Alleging that crores of rupees are being spent to jeopardise the Jan Lokpal bill, Anna Hazare said on Thursday that the activists will not lose sight of their goal and will not reply to continuous innuendos made by those seeking "cheap publicity".

In his latest blog posting, Hazare said he has heard that "crores of rupees have been spent" for launching a malicious campaign against his team by those who are against the movement.

"Who is controlling from behind the faces who are all doing this? From where the funds are coming for such activities? There are many such questions," he said.

Despite clarifying things whenever doubts were raised, he said the accusations are repeated through different medium time and again and now he began to feel that it is done deliberately to distract attention from Jan Lokpal Bill.

"As we are fighting for the larger interest of the country, we have now decided not to respond to such accusations as those working against me and my team wants cheap publicity," he said.

He said the team was keenly watching the winter session of Parliament as the government has promised that it will pass the Jan Lokpal Bill in this session.

"This is not only important for us but also for those crores of Indians who had come to support us...At any cost, our attention should not be diverted and so we have to be alert. For that, I and my colleagues are united," he said in an apparent reference to the recent outbursts of his ex-blogger Raju Parulakear against Team Anna members.
