Southern Tamil Nadu and neighbouring Kerala are on high alert as the cyclone Burevi which weakened into a deep depression inches closer to the southern shores. The deep depression is likely to cross Ramanathapuram and adjoining Tuticorin district in six hours with windspeed of 50-60 kmph, according to the weather office. Flight operations in three airports in Tamil Nadu and Kerala have been suspended as a precautionary measure. A public holiday has been declared in five districts in Kerala; in Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha and Idukki.
Here are the highlights on Cyclone Burevi :
♦ Fishermen are advised not to venture into Gulf of Mannar & adjoining southwest Bay of Bengal and along & off south Tamilnadu coast, north Sri Lanka &
- India Meteorological Department (@Indiametdept) December 4, 2020
south Kerala coasts and LakshadweepMaldives area & adjoining southeast Arabian Sea during next 24 hours.
#WATCH | Tamil Nadu: Waterlogging at Bazullah Road in Chennai's T Nagar following heavy rainfall.
- ANI (@ANI) December 4, 2020
AT 0830 IST, Deep Depression over Gulf of Mannar close to Ramanathapuram District coast remained stationary, about 40 km southwest of Ramanathapuram. To remain stationary over same region and weaken into Depression during next 12 hrs and into a WML during subsequent 24 hrs.
- India Meteorological Department (@Indiametdept) December 4, 2020
Visuals from Tamil Nadu's Rameswaram as strong winds hit the region. Heavy rain was seem in parts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry yesterday.
#WATCH: Visuals from Tamil Nadu's Rameswaram as strong winds hit the region; sea turns rough in view of #CycloneBurevi.
- ANI (@ANI) December 4, 2020
Burevi is likely to weaken further into a depression at the wind speed of 45-55 kmph gusting to 65 kmph during the next 24 hours, the weather office said.
The weather office had earlier predicted that Cyclone Burevi, which crossed the Sri Lanka coast on Wednesday night, would hit the Tamil Nadu coast as a cyclonic storm.
#Thiruvananthapuram airport (International & domestic) suspends operations from 10am to 6pm today (4th Dec) as precautionary measure. #CycloneBurevi expected to reach southern Kerala later today. Currently has weakened into a deep depression near Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu.
- Sneha Koshy (@SnehaMKoshy) December 4, 2020