Cyclone Fani has entered West Bengal, hours after making landfall and causing havoc in Odisha on Friday. One of the strongest storms to batter the Indian subcontinent in decades, the cyclone uprooted trees and triggered rains in Bengal on Saturday night. No loss of life or any injury has been reported so far. Around 15,000 people spent last night at shelters in coastal East Midnapore district, while 20,000 people stayed at shelters in West Midnapore district.
Worst hit was Odisha where Cyclone Fani made landfall on Friday, packing winds gusting up to 200 kilometres an hour, sending coconut trees flying, knocking down power lines and cutting off water and telecommunications. Twelve people were killed in Odisha, including a teenage boy crushed under a tree and a woman hit by concrete debris.
Here are the LIVE updates on Cyclone Fani:
The number of deaths in the Cyclone Fani rose to 16 in Odisha on Saturday as the government mounted a massive restoration work across 10,000 villages and 52 urban areas ravaged by the storm that pounded coastal parts of the state, affecting nearly one crore people.
While flight operations resumed at the Kolkata airport at 9.57 am, train services on the Sealdah and Howrah sections are also getting back to normal.
The Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) also resumed its routine operation this morning at both Haldia and Kolkata docks, reported PTI.
"The entire administration was awake the whole night. We were very worried about the cyclone Fani," Ms Banerjee was quoted as saying by PTI.
Ms Banerjee had cancelled her election programmes and stayed put at Kharagpur in West Midnapore district to monitor the situation arising out of the cyclone.
"There were not much damage in the state. At least 850 mud houses in the districts were partially damaged while 12 were completely destroyed," she said.
Tropical cyclone Fani, which made landfall early on Friday, lost some of its power and was downgraded to a 'Depression' by the India Meteorological Department on Saturday as the storm hovered over Bangladesh."The fear of a major disaster is mostly over as (Fani) has weakened," Shamsuddin Ahmed, director of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, told reporters, according to Reuters.
Cyclone Fani was one of the rarest summer cyclones, the Chief Minister said in a press release adding that it was the first one in 43 years to hit Odisha and one of the three to hit in the last 150 years, reported IANS.
"Because of this rarity, tracking and prediction were challenging. Till 24 hours of landfall of the cyclone -- one was not sure about the trajectory it was going to take," Mr Patnaik said.
Two Maritime Recce sorties were undertaken by the Dornier aircraft of the Navy revealing widespread destruction localised around the temple town of Puri, according to an official statement.
The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Eastern Naval Command personally undertook aerial survey of the cyclone affected area Saturday morning and visited INS Chilka to review the relief efforts, it said.
Had a discussion with Odisha Governor Professor Ganeshi Lal Ji on the situation in the state due to Cyclone Fani. Assured all possible help from the Centre to the sisters and brothers of Odisha, who are showing exemplary courage in the face of a natural disaster.
- Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) May 4, 2019
Spoke to Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik Ji and discussed the situation prevailing due to Cyclone Fani. Assured continuous support from the Central Government in the wake of the cyclone.
- Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) May 4, 2019
The entire nation stands in solidarity with all those affected by the cyclone in different parts.
West Bengal: Clearing of uprooted trees from the road underway in Digha, weather clear. #CycloneFani
- ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2019
Rain lashes Kolkata as #CycloneFani hit West Bengal by crossing Kharagpur earlier today
- ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2019