Cyclone Phethai made a landfall at Katrenikona in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh on Monday. The Real-Time Governance Centre at the state Secretariat announced that 'Phethai' weakened into a cyclone as it made landfall near Katrenikona today afternoon with a wind speed of 80 kmph. The South Central Railway cancelled over 50 trains because of Cyclone Phethai. The national and state disaster response forces were being kept on standby along with 10,000 state government employees as part of disaster preparedness. The Indian Navy, through the Eastern Naval Command, for the past two days had flown 11 sorties across the eastern coast and broadcast warnings to fishermen to stay away from the coastline. Several flights were also cancelled to the port city of Visakhapatnam due to turbulent weather conditions. Some flights were diverted to Hyderabad.
Here are the HIGHLIGHTS on Cyclone Phethai:
Special Trains between Secunderabad - Kakinada Town @RailMinIndia
- SouthCentralRailway (@SCRailwayIndia) 17 December 2018