This Article is From Jan 04, 2011

Dalit businessmen form their own chamber of commerce

New Delhi: The government may not have provided any specific incentive to socially deprived entrepreneurs, but the country's Dalit businessmen are now coming together, to claim their share of the economy's pie.

After none of the existing chambers and industry associations voiced their specific concerns, a group of Dalit entrepreneurs have now come together and formed their own chamber to represent their aspirations in the policy quarters.

"I am a first generation in education, and have reached here with my own efforts to make further progress, I do need a platform like this," said Harish Bhaskar, an Education Entrepreneur.

It's not just about one or two Dalit businessmen for instance Devanand Londhe, an engineer by qualification, has defied many odds to have reached a certain level, but feels it will be difficult to grow rapidly from here on, without getting a larger exposure.

"There are around 100 people working in my factory but I want to expand it to 30 to 40 more villages to create more jobs. It felt bad when people first thought that my factory will only employ Dalits. I went there and said i will give jobs to everyone," Londhe said.

Every single face in the gathering of Dalit entrepreneurs speaks a different story of personal grit and determination. People who chose the right path to realise not only their dreams but also make this world a better place for many others.