A day after the BJP announced its partnership with the AIADMK, the Congress will likely seal its deal for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections with MK Stalin's DMK today. The party may get nine out of 39 seats in Tamil Nadu and the lone seat in Puducherry. Mr Stalin's DMK is likely to contest 20 to 25 seats. The rest of the seats may go to other alliance partners. Sources say the Congress wants to make it around 10 seats in Tamil Nadu, but the DMK believes that one more seat will backfire for the alliance. DMK's Rajya Sabha lawmaker Kanimozhi met Congress president Rahul Gandhi twice, on Monday morning and Tuesday evening, to finalise the seat-sharing formula. The Congress had contested 10 seats in Tamil Nadu as part of the DMK-led alliance in 2004. In 2009, the Congress contested 16 seats in the alliance. The two parties contested separately in 2014.
Here are the Highlights of Congress' alliance deal with DMK:
The BJP's alliance with Tamil Nadu's ruling AIADMK done and dusted, the Congress put the alliance with DMK on fast track and announced the seat sharing deal this evening.
- Congress to get 9 seats in Tamil Nadu and 1 in Puducherry.
- Agreement signed in front of AICC General secretary KC Venugopal and Mukul Wasnik.
- All the parties who have been with us for last two years will continue to be in our alliance, seat finalisation with happen in next few days.