This Article is From Jan 17, 2014

Decision on Rahul Gandhi taken last night is final, says Sonia: Highlights

New Delhi: Sonia Gandhi is addressing a crucial meeting of about 3000 party leaders and workers as the ruling Congress preps for general elections due by May.

Here are the highlights:

  • We have taken a decision about Rahul Gandhi at the CWC meeting yesterday and that is final (Amid Congress roar for Rahul-as-PM, decision is final, says Sonia Gandhi)
  • These elections will be a battle for India as it was conceived by our founding fathers
  • Congress is ready and prepared for battle ahead  
  • This elections will see conflicting ideologies  
  • Battle for preservation of secular traditions
  • We have demonstrated our resilience
  • Inspite of economic growth, the fact is disparities are widespread
  • Growth must be sustained. Catering for this, is a necessity
  • On Corruption: I presented a 5-point action plan to combat corruption
  • We will do our utmost to pass crucial bill when Parliament opens next month
  • RTI Act is the single most important reason why citizens feel empowered to fight corruption
  • Education is the way to eradicate discrimination
  • New laws have been made against domestic violence, abuse
  • State government, panchayat receive a lot of assistance from the centre. Never before have they received such assistance

    (In Hindi)
  • Has any other government done so much earlier? PM has been steady in achieving targets
  • Congress has always tried to bring people together. That is the tradition of India
  • We've never compromised with the ideal of secularism, this is our country's biggest identity and not a poll agenda. It is a matter of deep faith.
  • Opposition's way is to divide communities, to spread disharmony. There's a face hidden behind the mask of empathy. (BJP wants to divide people: Sonia Gandhi at Congress session)
  • I request people to be calm 
  • Our party established the foundations of democracy in this country
  • Our party worked towards poverty alleviation
  • We will not stop the efforts until we rid India of poverty
  • Regardless of poll results, it is only our party that is active
  • New generation wants to be heard. The government has raised aspirations, desire for change
  • We will be united in speech and deed, and will emerge victorious in this struggle
  • We've seen ups and downs, wins and losses, it's inevitable in politics
  • Our quality is our courage and we will put up a fight
