The body of actor Deep Sidhu, who died in a road accident last night, was handed over to his family today after a post-mortem. The accident took place on the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) Expressway near Delhi. A white Mahindra Scorpio that Mr Sidhu was driving, smashed into a trailer truck.
Deep Sidhu came into the spotlight last year when he was charged with a role in the violence during protests on Republic Day. He was out on bail.
He was at the centre of the farmers' protest against the three controversial farm laws, which were withdrawn by the Centre in November last year.
The police had charged Sidhu in connection with a tractor rally by farmers on Republic Day 2021 that spiraled into violence as protesters entered the historic Red Fort. Armed with sticks, some protesters on tractors attacked policemen on duty on that day, injuring them.
Mr Sidhu faced the ire of several farmer leaders who accused him of tainting their protests against farm laws with the breach of Red Fort.
Born in Punjab's Muktsar district in 1984, Mr Sidhu became a star with his 2018 film "Jora Das Numbria".
Mr Sidhu started his film career in 2015 with Punjab movie ‘Ramta Jogi'. He was part of five more projects, including the sequel of his 2018 hit movie “Jora”.
After last night's accident, the Sonipat Police has filed a first information report (FIR) under sections 279 (rash driving) and 304 (causing death by negligence) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) against the truck driver for allegedly causing the accident that resulted in the death of the Punjabi actor-activist.
The FIR was filed based on a complaint by Mr Sidhu's brother, who alleged that the truck driver applied the brakes suddenly.