Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who arrived in Jammu and Kashmir today on a two-day visit, drove an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) to reach Barkhana from Baramulla. A video of the Mr Singh driving the military vehicle, tweeted by news agency ANI, has garnered over 42,000 views.
The minister, who is scheduled to visit the forward areas of the Union Territory, also interacted with the troops upon his arrival and had lunch with the officers in Baramulla.
The defence minister further paid tribute to the "heroes of Galwan" on Thursday. In a tweet, he said, "Remembering the heroes of Galwan who fought valiantly for the honour of the country and laid down their lives on June 15-16, 2020. Their courage, bravery and supreme sacrifice will never be forgotten. I pay homage to those bravehearts."
Mr Singh will be attending the 200th anniversary of Maharaja Gulab Singh's “Rajyabhishek Ceremony” in Jammu. The event will take place on Friday. Gulab Singh, who was the first Maharaja of Topa Rajput princely state, had founded the Dogra dynasty in Jammu and Kashmir.