The Aam Aadmi Party demanded on Thursday the resignation of Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan for giving out a "fabricated and false" report which said Delhi's water is the most unsafe among 21 major cities of India.
The Union minister had released on November 16 a Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) report, according to which Delhi has the most unsafe water among 21 major Indian cities.
Talking to reporters, AAP MP Sanjay Singh asked Mr Paswan on whose "provocation" did he "lie and defame" Delhi.
"It's unfortunate, but the fact is that the report on Delhi's water quality as disclosed by Mr Paswan is completely fabricated. He is putting out such statements based on a survey in which samples were collected from 11 different locations of Delhi. But later, it was found that the locations in the report are fudged," he said.
"People named in the list have claimed that nobody came to their house to collect such samples and they are happy with the water quality and the Delhi government," Mr Singh claimed.
He alleged that to make such a "fudged" report, Mr Paswan has included water samples of his own residence and office which come under the NDMC, an area where water is supplied by the Centre and not the Delhi government.
"I want to ask him on whose instructions did Paswan make such a fabricated, orchestrated and fudged report? Being a Central minister, he has betrayed the constitutional principles of this country. Paswan should apologise to the people of Delhi and India and should immediately resign from his post," the AAP MP said.
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