Three weeks on, Delhi is still enveloped in toxic air and the Supreme Court insisted yet again today that urgent steps need to be taken. Questions were also raised again over the issue of farm fires.
Here are the five top quotes on Delhi air pollution:
"Has there been any study on how much stubble has been removed in Punjab, Haryana, and UP? This is going to be a big problem. How are you going to tackle the stubble-burning issue? We are using our common sense in discussing this issue."
"Let the Secretaries decide something... why can't they go to fields and speak to the farmers, scientists and devise a permanent solution."
"This is the national capital. Look at the signal we are sending to the world. You have to predict the situation based on statistics...and take action in anticipation so that the situation does not go severe."
"The Air Quality Commission should conduct a scientific study based on the wind direction. These ad-hoc measures won't help. What are the steps you will take and the impact of that in the next seven days is what we want."
"We have to define what is the acceptable level of the AQI (Air Quality Index) for Delhi. Now there are supercomputers. There needs to be a statistical model."