This Article is From Sep 13, 2013

Delhi gang-rape: Four men sentenced to death

A Delhi court has handed out the death sentence to four men convicted of raping and murdering a 23-year-old medical student on December 16, 2012.

Sep 13, 2013 17:33 (IST)
Delhi gang-rape: read verdict on death sentence here
"She was tortured to the very end...the court cannot turn a blind eye to this gruesome act," said the judge.
Sep 13, 2013 16:51 (IST)
"We are happy. Justice has been delivered," says Delhi braveheart's family
Moments after four men found guilty of the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old student were sentenced to death, her parents said they were relieved and happy. "I can finally breathe, I am relieved and we are finally at peace. They have got the punishment they truly deserve" said the girl's mother, her husband and two sons by her side. "No victim should remain silent. They must come forward and report the crime."
Sep 13, 2013 16:21 (IST)
It will send a strong message. Now people will be scared of committing such a heinous crime, says Anna Hazare.
Sep 13, 2013 16:09 (IST)
Braveheart's mother is finally at peace
"I am satisfied now, and we are finally at peace. They have been given the punishment which they truly deserved," she said as tears welled up in her eyes.
Sep 13, 2013 16:06 (IST)
After sentencing:

Sep 13, 2013 15:59 (IST)
Crowds outside court after verdict:

Sep 13, 2013 15:41 (IST)
Additional Sessions Judge Yogesh Khanna's order:

(a) Offence in the present case has been committed in an extremely brutal, grotesque, diabolical, revolting and thus dastardly manner so as to arouse intense and extreme indignation of society;
(b) Demonstration of exceptional depravity and extreme brutality;
(c) Extreme misery inflicted upon the prosecutrix before her death;
(d) Grave impact of the crime on social order

On the other hand, the mitigating circumstances, as alleged, are (a) the young age of the convict; (b) their socio economic status as also the plea of the reformatory approach and (c) their clean antecedents.

These circumstances, as alleged, have been dealt with by me in my earlier part of this order. The aggravating circumstances thus outweigh the mitigating circumstances. Now, I need to move to R-R Test to see if the case is covered under the bracket of rarest of rare case
Sep 13, 2013 15:39 (IST)

Sep 13, 2013 15:32 (IST)

Dayan Krishnan, Special Public Prosecutor to NDTV:

 "I am relieved that the process is over... I have done my job. As a public prosecutor, I can't say more"

Sep 13, 2013 15:26 (IST)
"It was a very emotional day for us. We are happy with this judgment. They should be hanged as soon as possible: Delhi Braveheart's uncle
Sep 13, 2013 15:25 (IST)
The girl's family has got justice, says Home Minister
Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde addressed the media after a fast-track trial court in Delhi gave the four men, convicted in the December 16 gang-rape case, the death sentence.
Sep 13, 2013 15:22 (IST)
Shaina NC, BJP leader:

This was not just a gang-rape... it was cold-blooded murder... this will be a landmark judgement... glad that they have been given death penalty... a day for all women and victims to celebrate... amendments in law are a must, administration responsible on how they will be implemented

Sep 13, 2013 15:18 (IST)

Sep 13, 2013 15:15 (IST)

Sep 13, 2013 15:15 (IST)

Sep 13, 2013 15:09 (IST)
Four convicts get death; we are happy, says girl's father
Moments after the four men found guilty of the gangrape and murder of a young student were sentenced to death, the father of the girl said he was 'happy'.
Sep 13, 2013 15:04 (IST)

Sep 13, 2013 15:01 (IST)

Sep 13, 2013 15:01 (IST)
Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde:

  • Justice was given to the girl and her family
  • Even earlier, there have been such decisions where the death penalty has been given on rarest of rare cases
  • After December 16 last year, we saw the atmosphere in the country and we have implemented the Verma Committee recommendations
  • No one can put pressure on the judicial authority
  • We have also made amendments to the law to make stalking and harassment of other forms an offence

Sep 13, 2013 14:58 (IST)
Convicts taken away from court after sentencing
