Delhi positivity rate dropped to 8.6 per cent from 9.5 per cent with 4,044 new Covid cases. Today's surge is 5.7 per cent lower than yesterday (4,291).
More than 17.6 lakh cases have been logged by the national capital since the start of the pandemic and over 25,000 patients have died.
On Thursday, the city had seen a big drop in cases of 42 per cent from 7,498 infections.
In the last one month, the city has seen the Covid graph going up - till it reached an all-time high of 28,867 on January 13. Over the last two weeks, the daily cases then dropped.
The weekend curfew in the city has now been lifted, the government said on Thursday and dine-in at restaurants has been allowed at 50 per cent capacity.
Cinemas, restaurants, and bars can operate at 50 per cent capacity. The number of guests at weddings has been raised to 200 from 20.
The national capital was one of the big cities where the Omicron variant had led to a surge in cases.
While most cities are seeing the graph going down, cities in Kerala and Karnataka are yet to follow the same trend.
India's daily surge this morning was 2.51 lakh. Among all states, Kerala recorded the sharpest spike (51,739).