Delhi on Thursday logged 7,437 coronavirus cases in its highest single day spike this year, the government said in a statement, adding 24 people died in the last 24 hours because of the virus. This is a sharp jump in daily figures as the national capital had reported 5,506 fresh cases yesterday.
According to the Delhi government, the total of Covid cases has reached 6,98,005 after adding Thursday's figures. The city has 23,181 active cases.
91,770 Covid tests had been conducted in the national capital in the last 24 hours.
While today's positivity rate was over 8 per cent, overall positivity rate stands at 4.57 per cent.
The national capital had reported 20 deaths on Wednesday.
India reported a record 1,26,789 COVID-19 cases on Thursday as several states struggle to contain a second wave of infections, complaining of vaccine shortages and demanding inoculations be expanded to younger people.
Daily infections, which surpassed 1 lakh for the first time on Monday, have now exceeded that mark three times, the biggest daily rise in the world.
Experts have blamed new coronavirus variants and people's carelessness about following anti-Covid rules for the rise in cases.
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has also demanded that the vaccination drive be opened to other age groups.
Currently, the centre is only inoculating people aged 45 and above.
The Delhi government has imposed a 10 pm to 5 am night curfew to control the spurt in coronavirus cases.