In a huge breakthrough in the sensational Rs 25-crore jewellery heist in Delhi, the police today arrested three accused from Chhattisgarh. A Delhi Police team, which is in Chhattisgarh, has arrested three people -- main accused Lokesh Srivastava, Shiva Chandravanshi, and another unnamed person. A lot of gold has been recovered, they said, adding that this gang has done the same in Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh as well.
The accused had allegedly broken into a jewellery store in south Delhi's Jangpura on Thursday and escaped with ornaments worth Rs 20-25 crore. The incident occurred at Umrao Jewellers in Bhogal area between Sunday evening and Thursday morning.
Thieves entered the terrace of a four-storey building next to the store, reached the ground floor where the strongroom was located, disconnected CCTV cameras, and drilled a hole into the wall to enter the locker.
In addition to the ornaments in the locker, they also escaped with the jewellery kept on display at the showroom.
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