Manju, the teacher of an MCD school and a mother of a two-year-old baby, is charged with killing an 11-year-old schoolgirl Shanno.
Manju allegedly hit Shanno and then made her stand in the sun for two hours after which Shanno went into a coma and then died.
But Manju's family thinks she is innocent.
"Manju is innocent. We are being blamed for no fault of ours," Manju's sister-in-law Poonam said.
But there are more complications arising in the case. Now questions are being asked whether Shanno died because of the punishment or did she have a pre-existing illness?
"The medical report shows that death happened because of respiratory failure. But we have to wait for the post-mortem report to know for sure," said Atul Katiyar, DCP, Outer District, Delhi.
The autopsy report, which the police are waiting for, will determine whether Shanno's teacher is charged with just negligence or culpable homicide.
"From the punishment that the teacher gave to the girl, no one can die. The girl must have fallen due to which she had brain hemorrhage or she must have been unwell from before," said Dr M C Mishra, Director, AIIMS Trauma Centre.
Meanwhile in Delhi, there were protests over the death that finally got the police moving. They questioned Manju but for now she is only being charged with negligence.
The police are waiting for the autopsy report, and if that shows up injuries the police may charge Manju with culpable homicide.
But regardless of the charges that are finally framed against Manju, for Shanno's parents there is little consolation right now.