Dev Diwali or Dev Deepawali is an auspicious day in Kartik, the seventh month in the Hindu calendar. Dev Diwali is often referred to as the "Diwali of Gods". Devotees do 'Kartik Snana' (holy dip) in the Ganges, light earthen lamps and pray to Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. This year, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic 'Kartik Snana' will not be allowed in the Ganges in Haridwar, where lakhs of devotees from different parts of the country converge on Kartik Purnima. The ritual of 'Kartik Snana' is very significant for devotees.
Dev Diwali 2020 Date and Muhurat
- Sunday, November 29
- Pradoshakal Dev Deepavali Muhurat - 5:08 pm to 7:47 pm
- Purnima Tithi begins at 12:47 pm
- Purnima Tithi ends at 2:59 pm on November 30
Dev Diwali: Know why it is celebrated
It is believed that on Dev Diwali the Gods descend on Earth on the full moon night of Kartik Purnima, which falls 15 days after Diwali (Kartik Amavasya).
Dev Diwali, is celebrated to mark the victory of Lord Shiva over demon Tripurasur. Hence, Dev Deepawali Utsav is also known as Tripurotsav or Tripurari Purnima. Dev Diwali this year on Kartik Purnima also coincides with the lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan on November 30
Legends of Dev Diwali
There are many legends associated with Kartik Purnima. Some say it marks the birth anniversary of Lord Kartik, warrior son of Lord Shiva, while others believe it is the day when Lord Vishnu assumed his first avatar - 'Matsya'. Yet another legend says, Lord Shiva defeated the mighty demon Tripurasura on this day, hence the festival is also called Tripuri Purnima.
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