This Article is From May 16, 2009

Did Varun hate speech damage BJP's prospects?


Did Varun factor prove counterproductive?

New Delhi:

With the BJP's hopes of forming a government dashing, there is a feeling in the party that Varun Gandhi's hate speech could have been one of the causes of the dismal performance as it began introspection into the poll outcome.

The party, which talked about analysing the causes of its electoral performance, feels that the hate speech in his Pilibhit constituency had polarised voters and cost the party several seats although the young candidate won his.

A senior party leader said that Muslim votes had apparently got consolidated in favour of Congress, particularly in Uttar Pradesh, in the wake of Varun's controversial comments against the minority community.

Sources said that after Varun's comments, the BJP was in a dilemma as to whether to withdraw his candidature as some leaders had felt even then that it could cost the party votes.

In fact, two Muslim leaders of the party -- Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and Shahnawaz Hussain -- had openly voiced their anger over Varun's comment at that time.
