Members of the Jain community in Madhya Pradesh observed a 24-hour "digital detox" fast or fast without internet on Wednesday during the ongoing 'Paryushan Parva' festival.
About 100 people from Begumganj in Raisen district switched off their smartphones and deposited them at a temple in the morning before staring their fast.
'Paryushan Parva' is celebrated by the Jain community annually for self-purification, introspection and spiritual development.
Local community leader Akshay Jain said they observed the "digital detox" fast to stay away from smartphones and internet, which has become an addiction.
"An initiative of "digital detox" fasting or fasting without internet was started so that the people can stay away from this addiction," he said.
Another community leader, Ajay Jain, said they decided to observe the fast to "detoxify" and create awareness because youngsters have developed an addiction for social media, online gaming and pornography.
"Youngsters are addicted to pornography, online games and social media these days. We wanted them to learn to stay away from internet - smartphones and other gadgets" said another community leader, Ajay Jain.