Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh has been roasted on social media for tweeting photos of ambulances from Andhra Pradesh and alleging that the vehicles had been lying unused in Uttar Pradesh. The Congressman prefaced his post by saying, "Yogi ji, what have you done to Uttar Pradesh? The 102, 108 ambulances started by Akhilesh Yadav's government are rusting while the sick are being carried on carts." The tweet was signed off by Rajat Yadav, who seems to have written the original post that Mr Singh perhaps copied.
Twitter users were quick to point out that ambulances had words written in Telugu. They brutally trolled the senior leader for sharing the image without any verification.
"Is Telugu spoken in Uttar Pradesh, Diggy?" asked a user, another called him a "serial liar".
- digvijaya singh (@digvijaya_28) October 3, 2018
Last month, Mr Singh was condemned for tweeting a meme that attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi with crude abuses. After facing backlash for his post, Mr Singh clarified, "I have clearly said it (the meme) is not mine, I have disowned it." He further questioned the Twitter bias, saying "When Modi ji and those he follows have used abusive language against Sonia ji, Rajivji, Indira ji, Nehru ji, Gandhi ji, why they remained quiet?"
Earlier in June, Mr Singh had apologised for tweeting an old image of a metro pillar from Pakistan, claiming it to be a railway bridge in Bhopal.
Fact checking website AltNews debunked his claim and pointed out the error. Mr Singh replied to the website, saying, "My apologies. One of my friend sent it to me. My fault I didn't check up."
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