This Article is From Jun 28, 2010

Dishonour killings: Centre promises tough law

Dishonour killings: Centre promises tough law
Kolkata: It is one of the worst crimes in modern day India. Young couples being killed for daring to fall in love outside their caste or sub caste also known as gotra.

The Centre has been under pressure to act and now Law Minister Veerappa Moily has said the Centre is coming up with a stricter provision in the law to stop dishonour killings.  

"We propose to introduce a fifth clause for the Section 300, which is the murder clause. We are also amending the Indian Evidence Act to put the onus on all the persons who have taken the decision (to perpetrate an honour killing) and those who are responsible for the murder of the couple. Thirdly, we propose an amendment of the Special Marriage Act," said M Veerappa Moily, Indian Federal Law Minister.
