Actor-director Divya Khosla Kumar's bitter battle with singer Sonu Nigam has trended for hours. Ms Kumar, in an 11-minute video, rebutted Mr Nigam's claims, who had alleged that her husband Bhushan Kumar, the head of entertainment giant T-Series, begged him for protection from gangster Abu Salem over twenty years ago.
But what seemed to be more interesting than the video for social media users was Sheru's cameo. The actress introduces Sheru in the video, who has been a cook at the Kumar household since 1988, before the man speaks of how Gulshan Kumar made Sonu Nigam a big name in the music industry. Gulshan Kumar is the founder of T-Series who was shot dead in 1997. After him, his son Bhushan Kumar took charge of the company.
"Gulshan Kumar brought Sonu Nigam from Delhi to Mumbai... Whatever he is today, he is because of Gulshanji," Mr Sheru says in the video.
Twitterati went into an overdrive after Sheru's appearance in the video and soon memes flooded the site about how Ms Kumar got the family chef to back her claims.
Best Supporting Actor Of The Year #Sheru The Cook ????????#DivyaKhoslaKumar #SonuNigam
— Aklesh (@iAklesh) June 24, 2020
Divya Khosla Kumar bringing her family chef "sheru" to counter Sonu Nigam is sending me …....???????????????????? phle to over acting ke 500 kaato iske... #DivyaKhoslaKumar
— Niranjan Sharma???????????? (@Niranjan791) June 25, 2020
— Nikita Pandit (@abcd72494812) June 25, 2020
Shinchan ka shero is better than Divya ka sheru.
Sonu Nigam had recently gone on a rant in a video blog about the "cruel" machinations of the music industry and targeted Bhushan Kumar. This was his second video after actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death. In his first video, Sonu Nigam had said: "You might soon hear about suicides in the music industry."
Divya Khosla Kumar addressed all his claims in her video and hit out at him claiming that the popular singer had ties with gangster Abu Salem and hence her husband went to him for help.
"I want to ask something now, Sonu Nigam ji, why would Bhushan ji come to you to save himself from Abu Salem? I want an investigation. Was there a link between Abu Salem and Sonu Nigam? Yes, definitely there was. That's why Bhushan ji went to him for help," she said.
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