Karnataka Congress chief DK Shivakumar on Thursday demanded the resignation of Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa after state minister KS Eshwarappa complained to the Governor against the CM, alleging authoritarian administration and interference in the affairs of his department.
The Congress leader said that either Mr Yediyurappa should tender his resignation or the chief minister should immediately sack Mr Eshwarappa.
"If a senior leader like Eshwarappa writes to the Governor himself against the chief minister, this clearly shows that there is an internal issue in the government," Mr Shivakumar said while speaking to the reporters here.
"Either the Chief Minister, since he has lost the confidence of his minister, should tender his resignation or the chief minister should immediately sack the minister," Karnataka Congress President said.
Cornering Mr Yediyurappa, Mr Shivakumar said that many other leaders too had made such allegations against him in the recent past. He also alleged that "corruption in the state is at its peak".
Mr Eshwarappa on Wednesday had complained to Governor Vajubhai Vala against Mr Yediyurappa, alleging interference in the affairs of his department.
He also mentioned that he had brought this to the notice of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and other senior party leaders.