A police case has been registered against Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar for violating the model code during campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections. The case pertains to a video of the Congress leader where he allegedly told Bengaluru voters that he would provide them a supply of water from river Cauvery if they voted for his brother DK Suresh. DK Suresh is contesting from Bangalore Rural.
The state Election Commissioner said that his speech violates the model code and a police case has been registered for "bribery and undue influence at elections".
In a video clip that surfaced on social media, DK Shivakumar was purportedly heard saying to the residents of a housing society in his brother's constituency that he had come for a "business deal" and if they voted for his brother he would ensure the supply of Cauvery river water to them.
"I am here for a business meeting. You want Cauvery water and the CA site. All other issues are small. If I get these done, what will you do to me? I spoke to the commissioner about this issue. I asked what can be done. I believe in sharing and caring," Mr Shivakumar says while addressing a rally.
"You have to share your confidence with me so I can care for you. You have voted by booth, not by candidate. I am DCM, Minister for BDA, Bengaluru, and water – everything I am here. Everything is in your pockets. I have come to your house, make use of me, vote for me. Within two/three months, I'll get these done," he adds.
Residents of Bengaluru have been dealing with a severe water crisis for the last two months. Bengaluru primarily gets its water supply from two sources - the Cauvery river and groundwater. For most non-drinking uses, recycled water processed by sewage treatment plants is used. With no rain for a while now, the primary sources have been stretched to their limits.
Bengaluru needs 2,600-2,800 million litres of water daily, and the current supply is half of what's required. The result is a daily struggle for the city's residents.
Karnataka Lok Sabha Polls are being held in two phases on April 26 and May 7 with the results for all seats to be declared on June 4.