With Tamil Nadu set to vote in a few months, the government is in self-corrective mode. Today, the ruling DMK abolished a policy that allows the government to allot houses and plots under a discretionary quota.
The DMK has been under attack with various reports emerging that senior bureaucrats and politicians - with no record of social service activity - had been gifted houses. The quota is meant to be used for social workers.
The government announced in the Tamil Nadu assembly today that in addition to ending the controversial discretionary quota, it will launch a housing scheme in Chennai and other places aimed at helping middle and lower class families to own homes.
The DMK has been under attack with various reports emerging that senior bureaucrats and politicians - with no record of social service activity - had been gifted houses. The quota is meant to be used for social workers.
The government announced in the Tamil Nadu assembly today that in addition to ending the controversial discretionary quota, it will launch a housing scheme in Chennai and other places aimed at helping middle and lower class families to own homes.
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