Tamil Nadu's ruling DMK expelled a party member on Sunday after his offensive comments on actor and BJP leader Khusbhu Sundar and Governor RN Ravi in an unverified video. The man, Shivaji Krishnamoorthy, had made threats against the Governor in January. That time, the party had suspended him. He was arrested in the evening.
Khushbu called his comments "a shame". Tagging the video to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, she tweeted, "Will you accept such statements about the women in your family".
"What you don't realise is he not only insults me, but you & a great leader like your father. The more space you provide him, the more political space you will lose . Your party is becoming a safe haven for uncouth hooligans. It's such a shame," her tweet read.
The crass comments of this habitual offender shows the political culture prevalent in DMK. There are many like him in that rut. Abusing women, passing lewd cheap comments about them goes unchecked and is probably rewarded with more opportunities. CM @mkstalin avl, will you accept… pic.twitter.com/vVNV5Cir4C
— KhushbuSundar (@khushsundar) June 18, 2023
State BJP chief K Annamalai has called Shivaji Krishnamoorthy a "repeat offender", and demanded action.
Level of public discourse in Tamil Nadu by DMK men. Thiru @mkstalin, how low will your partymen stoop?
— K.Annamalai (@annamalai_k) June 18, 2023
Your popular propaganda & your actions are not in tandem.
The comments made on the Hon Governor of TN & BJP leader Tmt @khushsundar are highly condemnable, and we demand… https://t.co/3cG8VmDkGw pic.twitter.com/XCRyWe8VOE
In January, Shivaji Krishnamoorthy, had sparked controversy with his abusive statements against Governor R N Ravi.
"If the Governor refuses to utter the name of Ambedkar in his Assembly speech, don't I have the right to assault him? If you (Governor) don't read out the speech given by the Tamil Nadu government, then go to Kashmir, and we'll send terrorists so that they'll gun you down," he had said.
In the same abusive video, he had questioned if Mr Annamalai was an Indian citizen.
The comments against the Governor come as the tussle between him and the DMK government escalates. Earlier this week, the Governor did not agree to the Chief Minister's proposal to retain arrested minister Senthil Balaji as Minister without portfolio and only approved shifting of his portfolios to two other ministers.
Mr Stalin, however, stood his ground, arguing that the choice of ministers is the Chief Minister's prerogative and that the Governor has no role in this. The state government also passed an order announcing Mr Balaji as a minister without portfolio.