DMK leader RS Bharathi on Monday expressed regret for his comments comparing media houses to red light areas in Mumbai. He waded into a controversy by likening TV media houses and journalists to prostitution hubs, alleging fraud and money was their primary concern.
The Chennai Press Club strongly criticised the senior DMK leader's remarks and demanded an apology from him.
In a video widely shared on social media, the DMK leader is heard asking why the media had made a matter of debate his party employing political stragetist Prashant Kishor
In the video, Mr Bharathi is heard saying Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had taken Prashant Kishor's help but asked why that had not been debated in the media.
Hitting out at TV media houses, he said "They are running their company like Mumbai red light area," alleging money was their primary concern.
Responding strongly to Mr Bharathi' s comments, Chennai Press Club Joint Secretary Bharathy Tamizhan said instances of targeting journalists and media were on the rise. "The Chennai Press Club strongly condemns the lowly remarks made by the leader," the statement read.