Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin was granted bail on Tuesday by a city court for his 'eradicate Sanatana Dharma' remark.
The DMK leader appeared before the 42nd Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate following a notice to him based on a petition by social activist Paramesh for his remark.
Udhayanidhi Stalin, who holds sports and youth affairs portfolio, got the bail with a surety of Rs one lakh. The case has been posted to August 8.
Udhayanidhi is the son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and ruling DMK chief M K Stalin.
Speaking at a conference in Chennai in September 2023, Udhayanidhi had said Sanatana Dharma was against social justice and equality and that it should be 'eradicated' like malaria and dengue.
The statement had drawn widespread condemnation from various quarters.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)