Two doctors were arrested for allegedly selling a newborn after declaring him dead in the Panchpedwa area of the district, officials said on Wednesday. Superintendent of Police Keshav Kumar said that Pushpa Devi, wife of Jai Jairam, a resident of Jhovva village of Gora Chauraha Police Station area, was admitted for delivery to the Mission Hospital and Maternal Child Surgical Center of Pachpedwa on October 29 last month.
Pushpa Devi gave birth to a child after an operation.
According to the complaint, he said, Dr Akram Jamal and Dr Hifzur Rahman, who performed the cesarean operation on Pushpa, sold her newborn to Nisar, the councillor of Badhni Nagar Panchayat Ward No 2.
When Pushpa Devi regained consciousness, the doctors told her that her child had died but Pushpa Devi insisted that the child was alive.
The mother kept visiting the hospital and demanded her child back.
Having suspicions of wrongdoing, Pushpa Devi filed a complaint at the Pachpedwa Police Station on Sunday, leading to the arrest of Dr Akram Jamal and Dr Hifzur Rahman.
At their instance, police recovered the newborn from the house of Councillor Nisar and gave it back to the mother. Police are trying to arrest the councillor, who fled to Nepal after the incident.