Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday asked officials involved in the G20 Summit to document their experiences that, he said, may serve as guidelines for organising future events. The summit, under India's presidency, was held from September 9 to 10 at the Bharat Mandapam here.
Addressing the officials, PM Modi lauded their contribution and the spirit with which they tackled challenges during the summit.
"The credit for the success of the G20 Summit goes to all of you. I have a request to document your experiences. This will serve as guidelines for future events," Modi said.
The prime minister suggested setting up a website to document the experiences of the organisers.
"Everyone can write in their own languages. How did you overcome the challenges. It can run into 100 pages and can be stored on a cloud instead of a cupboard," he said.
Prime Minister Modi was interacting with around 3,000 people, who contributed to the success of the G20 Summit.
The participants included those who worked at the ground level to ensure the smooth conduct of the summit such as cleaners, drivers, waiters and other staffers from various ministries.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)