Fourteen people have been killed after a decades-old building collapsed in south Mumbai's crowded Dongri neighbourhood on Tuesday. Nine people were rescued, with three teams of the National Disaster Response Force that carried out search and rescue operations overnight. The rescue ops have now been called off. The building collapse was categorized as a "level 2" incident by the NDRF - while level 1 is the most serious under the system that measures the severity of a building collapse. Building safety is a major issue in Mumbai, one of the world's most crowded cities next to Dhaka in Bangladesh, according to the World Economic Forum.
Here are the highlights on the rescue operations in Mumbai:
Dongri building collapse incident: Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis announces compensation of Rs 5 Lakh for the next of kin of the deceased and Rs 50,000 for the injured, and all medical expenses of the injured to be borne by the state government. (File pic)
- ANI (@ANI) July 17, 2019