West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, in her first visit to Sandeshkhali since the sex harassment controversy broke, took a dig at the BJP today, asking people not to fall for their lies or money. "Here, a lot of money has been and later everything turned out to be lies," said the Chief Minister, who was at the riverine island to chair a public distribution programme.
"Don't fall for the prey of naughty men... Don't fall for BJP's money...Bring down defamation, lies and misinformation, let peace prevail here," said Ms Banerjee in a reference to the controversy the BJP had fanned ahead of the Lok Sabha election.
"Even if someone calls you don't go. It's your right not to go... And the biggest devils are the Left who have killed people. Remember if something happens in Sandeshkhali I will hear about it in minutes. I work as a 'paharadar' (same as chowkidar) for the people. If you are fine, I will be fine," Mamata Banerjee said today.
The Trinamool had said the sex harassment and land grabbing allegations against its local leader, Sheikh Shahjahan, was politically motivated. Their denials gathered steam after when a video surfaced after a series of sting operations. It showed a former BJP leader purportedly claiming that the whole episode was "scripted by the BJP".
The BJP had claimed the allegations were an example of the Trinamool misrule and exploitation of women. But in the Lok Sabha election, the Trinamool Congress won the Basirhat seat, within which the Sandeshkhali assembly seat is located.
The Trinamool Congress, though, has suspended Sheikh Shahjahan, and his two aides -- Shibu Prasad Hazra and Uttam Sardar.
Sheikh Shahjahan was arrested on February 29 after evading the police for around two months. He went on the run after his supporters attacked three Enforcement Directorate officials who visited Sandeshkhali on January 5. The attack had let the officials injured.a