Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Thursday expressed "pain and anguish" over a viral video clip that showed him bowing and greeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi with folded hands, saying such a gesture is his nature and he does not see who is in front.
A day after the clip was shared on social media handles including by some Congress leaders, Dhankhar in Rajya Sabha asserted that the dignity of a constitutional position is only elevated by humility.
He said he has now become conscious of who he bows in front of and by how much as it may be clicked from what angle and uploaded on social media platforms.
"You never know who will put in on Instagram, who will put in on Twitter. You never know who will start measuring the strength of my backbone," he said.
"I want to say that bowing and greeting namaskar (with folded hands) is my nature. I dont see who is in front." Standing in the House with folded hands, Dhankhar said it is "sometimes very painful at the level to which some may stoop".
"I can only express my pain, (and) my anguish if (this uploading is done) by an institution which has a high office in the country's politics," he said in oblique reference to Congress' social media handle.
"It is extremely hurtful when I thought of sharing my anguish, my sentiments with a senior leader... It resulted in a more challenging scenario by putting it on Twitter. I thought wisdom will dawn (and) they will reflect." Dhankhar said he was "a modest man; arrogance can never be part of my life." "By nature I am humble, if not I try to be more humble. But we should not make fun of institutions," he said.
"It is our cultural heritage to bow while greeting someone. Dignity of the office is maintained when you bow more. And this pain has been given to me by those people who I respect a lot." PTI ANZ ZMN
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)