Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, marks the end of the nine-day long festive journey of Navratras. The day also marks the end of Durga Puja. It is majorly celebrated in eastern and northeastern states of India. In Northern India, Ramlila is being played out across the country for ten days and on the last day effigies of Ravana, Kumbhkaran, and Meghnad are burnt with fireworks marking the destruction of evil.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Ram Nath Kovind addressed a gathering at the Ramlila Maidan, opposite the Red Fort, in the national capital today and also attended the Ravana Dehan celebrations. The burning of the giant effigies, which signify the triumph of good over evil, was organised by the Luv Kush Ramleela Committee.