Dussehra or Vijaya Dashmi is celebrated at the end of Navratri, a day after Maha Navami. In the northern and western states of India, the festival is celebrated as Dussehra, marking the end of "Ramlila" and Lord Rama's victory over Ravana. In the southern, eastern and northeastern states, Vijayadashami marks the end of Durga Puja, remembering goddess Durga's victory over the buffalo demon Mahishasura to help restore dharma. During Vijayadashami celebrations, the idols of Goddess Durga is immersed into the water. A procession is carried out amid chants and music. For Dussehra celebrations, the towering effigies of Ravana symbolizing the evil are burnt with fireworks marking the evil's destruction. Dussehra in a way also marks the onset of preparations for the festival of lights – Diwali, which falls twenty days after the festival.
Here are some of the messages, wishes and greetings you can send on Dussehra:
It's time to celebrate the victory of the good over the evil. Let's continue with the same spirit. Happy Dusshera 2018!
May God shower his choicest wishes over you and remove all evil obstacles in life. Happy Dusshera!
May Lord Rama keep lighting your path of success and may you achieve victory in every phase of life. Jay Shree Ram! Happy Dusshera 2018!
Adharm par dharm ki jeet, anyaya par nyaya ki vijay,
Bure par acche ki jay jay kar, yahi hai dussehre ka tyohaar!
May your troubles burst away like the fireworks and your happiness multiply this Dussehra. Have a happy one!
Sending my best wishes to you and your family on the auspicious occasion of Dusshera. May you always follow the path of Dharma like Lord Rama! Happy Dusshera, stay blessed.
May this Dussehra bring you loads of joy, success and prosperity, and may your worries burn away with the effigy of Ravana. Wishing you a year full of smiles and happiness.
A time for celebration,
A time for victory of good over bad,
A time when the world sees the example of the power of good.
Happy Dussehra 2018!
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