Students in India graduating this year are feeling the chill of the global economic slowdown. As jobs continue to dry up, even those who have managed to get employed, will feel an uncertainty.
The International Labour Organisation has warned of major job cuts this year, and India will have to feel the brunt of it.
A case in point is management graduate Pooja, for whom it's a wait and watch game now.
Campus placements are almost over and she has not been recruited. And Pooja is not alone, 65 per cent of her class is yet to find jobs.
",The economic scenario is very tough. Understanding this scenario we are compromising with the situation. We are not expecting dream packages, but just a foothold in some organization,", said Pooja.
The International Labour Organisation has warned that up to 50 million people could lose jobs this year if the economic crisis worsens.
Job losses in developed economies are triggering aftershocks in developing ones like India.
",The scenario is very different from last year. Those companies which were recruiting hundred and fifty students are not recruiting that many. They are recruiting say, 30 students,", said Shubho S Bhattacharjee the Dean of Centre for Entrepreneurship in IIPM.
According to the International Labour Organisation, in 2008, South Asia accounted for thirty three per cent of the new jobs created in the world.
A significant chunk of those were in India. But the bleak economic forecast of more layoffs and job cuts means less space for new talent, in an already shrinking job market.
The International Labour Organisation has warned of major job cuts this year, and India will have to feel the brunt of it.
A case in point is management graduate Pooja, for whom it's a wait and watch game now.
Campus placements are almost over and she has not been recruited. And Pooja is not alone, 65 per cent of her class is yet to find jobs.
",The economic scenario is very tough. Understanding this scenario we are compromising with the situation. We are not expecting dream packages, but just a foothold in some organization,", said Pooja.
The International Labour Organisation has warned that up to 50 million people could lose jobs this year if the economic crisis worsens.
Job losses in developed economies are triggering aftershocks in developing ones like India.
",The scenario is very different from last year. Those companies which were recruiting hundred and fifty students are not recruiting that many. They are recruiting say, 30 students,", said Shubho S Bhattacharjee the Dean of Centre for Entrepreneurship in IIPM.
According to the International Labour Organisation, in 2008, South Asia accounted for thirty three per cent of the new jobs created in the world.
A significant chunk of those were in India. But the bleak economic forecast of more layoffs and job cuts means less space for new talent, in an already shrinking job market.