Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday slammed the opposition for objecting to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud's house for Lord Ganesha puja, alleging that an "ecosystem" suddenly became active as if the sky has fallen.
Seeking to know why the Opposition was making so much brouhaha over the episode, Mr Fadnavis, in a post on his X handle also shared some photos of former PM Manmohan Singh hosting an iftar party at his official residence in 2009 that was attended by the then Chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan, among others.
PM Modi on Wednesday participated in the Lord Ganesha puja at Chief Justice Chandrachud's Delhi residence. The visit triggered a row with some Opposition parties and leaders questioning its propriety.
Reacting to the criticism, Mr Fadnavis posted a message on X, saying, "As part of the ongoing Ganesh festival, Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed puja of Lord Ganesh and Mahalaxmi at the residence of CJI Dhananjay Chandrachud. The CJI hails from Maharashtra. Every year, he brings a Ganesh idol to his residence in Delhi from a Maharashtrian person."
"But suddenly, an ecosystem became active as if the sky has fallen. The only difference is that the previous Prime Minister used to host iftar parties at his residence, which the then CJI would attend. So why so much brouhaha when Prime Minister Narendra Modi goes to perform puja of Lord Ganesh and Goddess Mahalaxmi? While opposing Hindutva, why have you stooped to the level of opposing Lord Ganesh and Mahalaxmi?" the senior BJP leader asked the Opposition parties.
"This is a pertinent question... Is it not an insult of Maharashtra's festivals, culture, and also devotion and faith that people have in Lord Ganesh and Mahalaxmi?" he asked.
Mr Fadnavis shared the link of the news from September 18, 2009, which shows photographs of Manmohan Singh hosting an iftar party.