Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Monday said the track record of the Enforcement Directorate in the last eight years showed it was working for political motives and was only targeting leaders of opposition parties.
Reacting to a question on the arrest of Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut by the Central probe agency, the CM told reporters those who speak against the Union government will face such action.
Sanjay Raut was held by the ED in the early hours of the day after it searched his bungalow in a Mumbai suburb for several hours and then questioned him at the agency's office in the south of the metropolis.
"It is clear those who will speak against the Centre will face action. You can see its examples (in the past). If you see the eight-year track record of ED, (you will find) only opposition leaders were targeted. It means ED has been working with political motives," the CM said in a veiled attack on the BJP-led Centre.
"The agency never takes action in BJP-ruled states or against its leaders or BJP-supported organisations. Only the opposition is targeted. If something is wrong then action should be taken and we do not oppose it. But we oppose action solely against the opposition," he added.
On a query on rain deficit districts in Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel said he has asked officials to carry out a survey of such areas and assess the status of crop cultivation.